It’s your call.
It’s your direct connection for an open communication with God.
There He is,
So, go on.
He is listening to you at the other end of this world,
Waiting for an explanation of your way of seeing things.
Tell him what He is doing wrong.
Here is God
Waiting for you to confess
And to express your deepest concern about the global poverty
And about the malnutrition effect on the children you saw
On a Facebook page, somebody shared
Without getting any likes,
Of course,
Because somebody else just shared a naked model
By several hundreds of us.
I cannot get
Any words.
Try to better formulate your thoughts.
Make it loud, your speech about who cares and who


If you know better how to save this world
Tell Him
Put together a comprehensive draft
Of several crucial policies

Tell Him what I couldn’t
And let’s see if He can get it from you

My love.

Written by : Vica Demici